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"Stand up for Scaredy Cats with Jennifer Mason has been like the opening of a door that was cracked just enough to see down the hall, but too scared to enter. She really helped kick that door wide open and knocked it off its hinges. By creating a supportive environment and offering constructive feedback. Then giving us a final show that really displayed how far we had all come working with Jen. And if that is not enough, she introduced to others that could help us move further into the direction of our goals. Big thanks!"
"Feeling like your life needs a kick in the butt? Well, I recommend doing something outside of your comfort zone yet in a safe space with wildly supportive people who want you to succeed. That’s what Stand Up for Scaredy Cats was for me. I plunged myself into a group of strangers and learned how to turn the craziness of my life into jokes that can bring others a moment of levity and connection. Taking Jennifer Mason‘s class opened up a whole new world for me that I didn’t know was possible!"
"I've only known you for about a year and most of that on a screen. I can only say I am so grateful I sat with you that one morning at breakfast and took a chance with you to find my funny. What a gift you are to the world!!"
Ready to Make a Change?
Transformational comedy coaching will change the way you relate to your past in a wildly enthusiastic group to the point where you actually look forward to the pain and awkwardness.